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Cooking Guide bug?

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    Cooking Guide bug?

    Im trying to continue on my cooking but when i start the guide it keeps looping:

    [09:27:48] Zygor Guides Viewer: Fault when jumping from step 1 to cook_225-285
    [09:27:48] Zygor Guides Viewer: WHOA. Nowhere to jump (cook_225-285). Assuming NO jump.
    [09:27:48] Zygor Guides Viewer: Fault when jumping from step 1 to cook_225-285
    [09:27:48] Zygor Guides Viewer: WHOA. Nowhere to jump (cook_225-285). Assuming NO jump.
    [09:27:48] Zygor Guides Viewer: Fault when jumping from step 1 to cook_225-285
    [09:27:48] Zygor Guides Viewer: WHOA. Nowhere to jump (cook_225-285). Assuming NO jump.

    What to do?

    Looks like a typo in the guide that needs to be fixed.
    The label is wrong:
    label "cook_225_285"
    should be:
    label "cook_225-285"

    If you want to fix it yourself open the ZygorGuidesViewer\Guides\ZygorProfessionsHorde.lua file with a text editor (notepad), search for label "cook_225_285" and replace the _ between 225 and 285 with a -


      Thank you.. got it working now


        Good to see you were able to fix it yourself. Just keep in mind if the next guide update does not fix this already the problem will come up again. I'm sure we'll see some updates later today and not every bug may be fixed immediately.


          Yes you're right.. Maybe i should post this in the bug session or do you think the right people will see it here?


            They've been keeping tabs on these new sections for bugs. I'm sure they'll see it.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

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