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Greying out Completed Achievements

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    Greying out Completed Achievements

    Hello, I'm very much appreciating the new guides... but one thing I'm noticing, which is making it difficult to isolate which achievements to work on, is that the Zygor Achievement guide does not differentiate between Achievements completed or not completed. Once I select an Achievement to complete (which I have already completed), the guide will shortly thereafter inform me of the fact that I've already completed it... but with the sheer number of achievements possible, it is impossible to remember all of the achievements you've already completed, and clicking through each of them in the guide, one by one, can be sort of aggravating... especially if you forget which ones you've already clicked through. This Guide would be all the more useful if it could Grey out completed achievements (or in some other way indicated their status as completed).

    Thanks for the great guides Zygor! I very much appreciate all the hard work you do!

    I agree very much with this. a very few of my completed achievements (on the alliance side, sorry but this was not addressed there and its a very good point) are greyed out in the guide, but most of them that I have completed, are not, and I get the exact same as above.

    Three of them in the general greyed out nicely to show already completed for me (had done all of them before getting the guide):

    "The Right Stuff"
    "Shave and a Haircut"
    Duel Talent Specialization"

    If we could get the rest of the completed ones (I also wish this for other parts of other guides as well, that sections of loremaster/leveling etc and other guides could also be marked as done) that would be really great and helpful


      Definitely something we will be adding in the next few updates.
      Zygor Guides Creative Director

