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Is it any good

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    Is it any good


    Have used your leveling guides severall times including this expansion and loved it,
    now with having to grind faction etc will i have any problems with finding the quest lines now?

    I used your guide to get to 90 and have only done a few quest since mainly the tilers farming ones

    I dont want to spend another $30 odd and find it wont work

    Many thanks

    To be quite honest, i bought it 4 days ago and I would not recommend it if you already have the dailies guide.

    Right now, the prerequiste quests are not in the dailies nor in the reputation guide. So you have to do all the quests in the leveling guide or find the ones you need online.

    I think the zygor team did not put as much effort in these guides for MOP. Hopefully it will get better as they get more info and update the guide.


      Cool thanks for that I dont have the dailies guide yet was thinking about that is that worth it ?


        Dailies works really well, but it will not tell you how to unlock them if they are not already unlocked.

        For example, if you want to do the Shado Pan Dailies, the guide will not tell you that you need to have your Golden Lotus rep to revered. Not a big issue, but you will have to find that infromation by yourself by checking on the internet.

        It's a bit more complex for other factions. For example, if you want to do the Klaxxis, you need to do some prerequisite quests and neither the dailies guide or the reputation guide will tell you which one to do. You will have to follow the leveling guide for the proper section to unlock those dailies.

        Like I said, these two guides need some more work from the Zygor team. But if you need to get one, and you only want to level your mop rep, I would recommend the dailies guide over the reputation guide.


          The very first step of the Shado-Pan guide says:
          In order to begin gaining Reputation with the Shado-Pan, you must first become Revered with the Golden Lotus.

          It then loads the Golden Lotus guide if you are not revered with Golden Lotus.

          For the Klaxxi guide, the very first step says:
          This guide requires that you have completed all of the quests in the Dread Wastes.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


            This was added recently. It was not there a few days ago.

