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Doubt - Reputation Guardians of Hyjal

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    Doubt - Reputation Guardians of Hyjal

    I have the package Alliance Titles, Reputations & Macros Guide
    when I click follow reputaçãp the Guardians of Hyjal, only 3 enables me to step in and purchase the tabard and go.
    Is that right?
    For the information says it takes me to exalted.
    "This guide will walk you through Becoming exalted with the Guardians of Hyjal faction"

    Some of the reputation guides just show you where to get a tabard so you can wear it while doing dungeons. In a lot of cases this will be much faster to earn the reputation than trying to do the quests that raise the reputation. I believe the Reputation guides were created before 4.2 which is when the reputation earning dailies were put into the game for this particular faction so that's probably another reason why it's just directing you to the tabard.

    I would suggest that if you want to do some quests that earn reputation with Guardians of Hyjal and if you have the Dailies & Events guides that you do the Firelands guides in the Dailies guides section. Most of those quests will earn some reputation with Guardians of Hyjal and you can do this in conjunction with running some dungeons with the tabard equipped.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Ok, thanks for the quick response, I will follow your advice.

