WoW Classic Season of Mastery launches today and here is what you need to know about it as far as Zygor Guides. Season of Mastery is accessed through the regular WoW Classic launcher so there is no separate install required. The same guides you use on regular WoW: Classic can be used in SoM.
The main change that we expect could expect guide use is the new buff which increases XP earned by 40%. However, because WoW Classic is already a grindy game to begin with, we believe this will actually naturally address a lot of these issues, improving the overall guide experience by requiring less grinding. However, there is the possibility of leveling faster than the guide expects and doing green quests. We don’t expect it to get so bad as to run into gray quests.
If you find yourself out pacing the guides you can always use the Smart Injection System to find a better, more fitting place in the guides. To do this, click the “…” button on the main viewer, then Smart Injection System, and select the first option to find a new starting point.
We will be looking over the guides and how they work in SoM to make any additional updates if they are required.
Hey, after around lvl 25-30 im having alot of quests not turned in (that are completed and starting to turn gray) only did quests using the guide. Happend on both ally and horde side plus the injection system is not flawless you will still have some quests from NPC that you dont have access too because of prequests. Noticed that even at around lvl 40+ i still have gray quests in my quest log. did 0 dungeons and 0 grinding. The 40% xp boost its more than you guys anticipated and now with the 100% boost is probably useless. Please fix it i really love using it. One more note Please stop moving the player around so much is getting frustrating at one point to change continent just to do 2 quests that are like 4% of the level you waist alot of time on running and flying taking boats that its not at all time efficient. limit continent changes at least after lvl 40 when a mount is involved. Make it work good again because im using zygor for a long time and i dont want to switch to RestedXP
It`s a useless for classic som,if you`r going to buy for som,I`m not recommend!
Can you explain what issues you are having with it in SoM?
This guide does NOT work at level 58-60 in Season of Mastery. It sends you to do Phase 4 quests in Silithus..
Seems to be a problem with selecting talents, there is an error box everytime and can only be selected by shutting guide off to select a talent.
Which talent did you try to select that produced an error box? What did the error message say? And this was on a Season of Mastery server rather than Retail, TBC, or regular Classic?
how come the only guide i have access to is the lvl1-13 guide? ive paid for membership too. First time using zygor aswell
Make sure you’re Zygor Elite subscription is active and you’re logged into the Zygor Guides client with the same account. You can try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that corrects the issue. If not, please contact our Customer Service.
i would really love if you can update the talent advisor.. shatter spec is alot better for mages now for leveling(suggest u check out Arlaeus videos for talents and give a links to said vids in the guides… and fury prot talent tree . alotta quests u can simply l put a small window and link youtube vid to assist the people who get lost.
can your guide detect the level of the player then suggest the place to go .. your weapon upgrade guide keeps pointing to instances even some white weapons are a upgrade take hunter bows for instance . thats all u can find really until 20+ and you could run Wailing caverns for like 2 weeks and still not get the bow to drop. listing vendor upgrades for your level would help alot. and where to get them.
Yes, if you click the “…” on the Guide Menu and then Smart Injection System you can then select “Find best starting point in the guides and take me through any needed pre-quests” to get synced up where you should be with the guide. I’ll relay your idea to check vendors for upgrades to the team.
You mean you’re too lazy to specialize the guide for this season.
“we believe this will actually naturally address alot of these issues” FYI, there is no such word as “alot”. You mean two words: “a lot”; hopefully you do not make this same error in the guides themselves. Any spellchecker will immediately catch this, which baffles me why so many people think “alot” exists.
Thanks alot
Thanks for the correction. And no, the blog is not run by anyone from our guide writing team.
I’ve used it for the first 10 levels of undead and it’s been fantastic. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine leveling without it now.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying the guide!
hey zygor isnt working in SoM or classic in general. its working for retail, and TBC but not classic or SoM
You have to be sure it is using the correct destination if you not play classic since tbc launch “classic” in the file system is tbc and “classic era” is where SoM will be played
Please contact Customer Support and they can help you with this problem.
Im super excited. Will all the class quest be available. Thanks