Here is a recap of some of the key highlights made to the AddOn and guides for the week of October 19th:
*Fixed flight path map destination not highlighting sometimes.
[Gear Finder] – Item Score, Gear Adviser, and Gear Finder reworked and improved for Battle for Azeroth.
* Gear Finder tab now obeys Gear Advisor enabled/disabled settings.
[Gold Guide] – Gold menu/chores tooltips updated to be easier to read (made non-transparent).
[Travel System] – Travel System’s map ants display optimized to use WAY less CPU power in certain extreme cases. This is the start of optimizations being made to improve issues some customers have reported with FPS drops.
* Polished and added more world quests.
* Many classic Profession guides updated with BFA changes.
To see the full list of changes please see the changelog page here:
Where is the A Bargain of Blood quest chain? It should be part of the Zuldazar guide but I can’t find it.
How come I do not have the lvling guide in game any more I just made a Dark iron dwarf and I need my in game lvling guide and it is not on my screen how do I get it to show up so I can use it to lvl this toon. And all so I am using a nother ui it is called GW2 UI. Please help
How do we use the gear advisor?
It is a tab on the bottom of my character ui.
How do we use the gear advisor, when we can automatically equip our characters.