Zygor Spotlight: November 2021 Edition

by (3 years ago).

We want to start making it clearer what guides, features, and improvements we make to Zygor Elite each month of service. As part of this effort we’re introducing a new monthly blog post called Zygor Spotlight, which will highlight the major updates we’ve made to the guides throughout the month and give you an idea of some of the things we have coming down the pipeline in the weeks and months to come.

Recently Added:

In Development:

  • Guide Updates: WoW Classic Season of Mastery will be launching November 16th. This will include an increase in XP throughout 1-60 leveling that resembles TBC. We hope this will actually naturally cut down on a lot of grinding that is inherent in Classic. However, it may result in out leveling the guides to where you’re doing gray quests. Initially you’ll be able to use the SIS feature to jump ahead to a more optimal place in the guides should this happen. We will be monitoring the situation and making any necessary changes to the guides themselves afterwards.
  • New Guides: Additional Leveling, Dungeon, Class and Group Quest guides are being worked on for TBC Classic.
    (This is to address concerns about excess grinding in the 60-70 portion of the guides. It’ll now be recommended that you reach 60 in Azeroth first, although you will still technically be able to leave at 58. If you run into excessive grinds you’ll have the option of doing extra Dungeon, Group, and Class quests.)
  • New Feature: Show value of disenchants in item tooltips
  • New Feature: Auto repair option
  • New Feature: Skip cutscenes option.

Patch 9.1.5 Update Now Available For Retail Guides

by (3 years ago).

A new release is now rolling out to all users who have their client set to US which updates the Retail guides for Patch 9.1.5. Non-US users will get the update tomorrow. This patch doesn’t require a lot of content related changes, but there are some travel system updates and quest skips. Additionally, you can expect the following changes:

  • Tips added to allied race unlock guides that required dungeons indicating that the quests can be skipped.
  • New Chaotic Riftstone added in The Maw from Perdition’s Hold to Desmotaeron.
  • New Animaflow Transporter link added to Perdition’s Hold.
  • New Animaflow Transporter link to Desmotaeron could not be unlocked on PTR. Nothing seemed to open it up, so it’s not implemented yet.
  • New skip option added for The Maw introduction quests.

Zygor Guides Is Looking For An Ads and Affiliate Manager

by (3 years ago).

Zygor Guides is hiring again and this time looking for an Ad Campaign and Affiliate Manager. This position, which is open up to anyone within the United States (English fluency is required), will involve running our ad campaigns on social media platforms and recruiting affiliates to our affiliate program.

If this is something you have experience in and would be interested (or you know someone else who would) the application can be found here:


New Group Quest Guides Added For TBC Classic

by (3 years ago).

This week we have an update for our TBC Classic guides. In the Classic versions of the game a lot more grinding is required to reach max level than is required in the Retail version of the game. There simply isn’t enough soloable quests alone to reach level 70 without needing to grind. However, there are additional Group, Dungeon, and Class quests you can do, and up until now we left out these Group quests because, as the name implies, they’re generally too hard to solo and require you to join a group to complete.

However, due to community feedback, we felt that users would at least like the option of doing these extra quests as an alternative way to cut down on some of the grinding, so we’re rolling out a new update which adds Group Quests for all of the TBC zones. If you run into a grind step and don’t feel like grinding you can load the Group Quest guide for the zone you’re in to do those quests and hopefully reduce the grinding. You can find these guides in the Burning Crusade folder of the Leveling section, or in the Leveling Section of the Featured Menu.

We have more updates to come to add in additional Dungeon and Class quests as well. Stay tuned.