Zygor Guides Updates For January 11th, 2019

by (6 years ago).

Here’s a look at some of the key updates we made over the past couple of weeks.

World Quest Planner:

  • Added sorting by rewards.
  • Changed the feature to work without needing to use the Notification Center.
  • Custom Queued World Quests: Added option to prioritize quests from current zone, before moving on to next one
  • Added button to select/unselect all visible quests.

Fixed various bugs and other issues.

Pets and Mounts:
Added various missing battle pet guides. Updated some battle pet guides as well.

Updated various profession and item farming guides.

Added various missing achievements

6 thoughts on “Zygor Guides Updates For January 11th, 2019

  1. Juverna

    Zygor has really expanded the guides from the beginning. You went from a Ford to an Audii. Loving the updates. I agree with Michael Short, I have wanted the ability to search by quest name for several years now. Hopefully, you can get that implemented

  2. zalid

    Having got my Hivemind mount I can see a lot of this being made easier with a guide. 3 of the 4 pendants could be made into a guide. The green one would either be just a general direction as to how to solve, or best to get the addon that helps a lot. The remainder 5 man content could also be made into a guide except maybe the last step which I still don’t fully understand. But that could just be me 😉


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