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Launch! 6 All-New Zygor Products?! Video Explains All

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  • Zygor Admin
    Originally posted by dirtyrockers View Post
    The problem is.... you will not get anything extra every month.

    but you will pay every month..
    We've always wanted to add in new content and revolutionary features that really change the way you play the game on a monthly basis but simply do not have the means to do so under the current business model. The subscription model will allow us to pump out a continual stream of exciting new guide content and features instead of takes 6 months to a year for each major update.

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  • maningrey
    I love how Zygor support completely ignores the responses from 95% of the posters here and only targets them that make a bad argument or a mistake. Everyone here can see this is a complete rip off... If it happens then I'm off to another guide, and so will many others... so why do it.

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  • dirtyrockers
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    To recap a subscription will include the following:
    * The new pricing model will allow us at Zygor Guides to pump out a much faster and impressive stream of updates, new features for the guides, and new guide content on a monthly basis as opposed to the years it takes now.
    * You will gain access to our entire suite of 10 guides for both Alliance and Horde.
    * You will get all expansion content and never have to pay upgrade fees per guide.
    * You will get every new product we ever create including possible guides for new games.
    i allready have 4 guides... so i will get a subscription for 6.
    never pay for a upgrade? paying for a upgrade is cheaper then the subscription (upgrade is like 1 time a year? Now i will pay $120 for a upgrade)

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  • Zygor Admin
    Originally posted by mythos44 View Post
    Sounds like this may not be in game content.
    All 6 of the new guides are in-game guide, except for Macros which is in-game and also has an web based school component.

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  • patje
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    If you cancel your subscription you will still have all the guides you payed for before the subscription switch. The only content that requires a subscription to have continual access to is expansion content and products you don't already own.
    So, if I cancel, the new guides would not be working anymore or just not been updated?

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  • funkmaster88
    I really think that Zygor really made a horrible decision with the subscription decision, and i for one will not be paying for it. What i think they should of did was made all the guides in like a bundle for a set price. The reason for this is because you gotta think, how many people (which includes me) are waiting for SWTOR to be release on Dec 20? Zygor would have made more money by bundling it and selling it as a whole then doing a subscription. It would be better if they waited for the new expansion to be release to start the subscription.

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  • Zygor Admin
    Originally posted by mick12330 View Post
    I would be paying by the month for guides i already purchased.
    You don't have to. No one is getting hit with monthly fees for content they already owned. The subscription is for new content only, or content you don't already own only.

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  • commander29
    To my understanding they are not taking anything away from anyone. What you paid is yours and will be yours forever. You will get updates same as now you will be able to use guides you bought same as now. And this will not change even after the next expansion. If you own 1-85 Horde leveling guide you will still own it and will be able to use it in the future.

    If next expansion will have leveling to 90 that part will not be supported with 1-85 Horde guide and to get that you will have to subscribe.

    This philosophy is the same as it was till now. When Cata came out and you owned 1-80 Horde guide you didn't get guide for 80-85 free but you had to buy it extra.

    But decision is still yours to make. If a price is to high for you then you don't subscribe. Simple as that. It is up to Zygor to set the price into range where they get most out of it, to expensive and only few will take it, too cheep and critical mass of a product will be hit and revenue will be low.

    For me personally this change is good as i get more out of Zygor then before.

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  • Zygor Admin
    Originally posted by patje View Post
    1. Why get new subscribers the same content als old customers? We have paid a price to get the guides and now we have to pay the same fee per month to get a few new guides. I already have lifetimes updates to the guides, why should I pay the same fee as people, who are new? I would maybe willing to buy new guides this way, but not change my old guides to a subscription.
    We do this because it has always been effective for us and helps our business grow so we can continue making these awesome guides for you. That is the simple truth of it. We understand that this can seem unfair to previous customers which is why we try to soften the blow every launch by giving previous customers all of our new bonus guides absolutely free. That said, offering attractive low deals to new customers when previous customers have payed more is not an unheard of business practice. Blizzard does this themselves by reselling WoW bundles at reduced prices even though previous customers had to pay much more to buy everything individually. One perk of being an early customer is that you got to use the content for a much longer time than a new customer.

    2. What if I cancel a subscriptions? Will alle guides be deleted or just the updates stop? It would be relly bad, if you pay month or maybe years and then have to cancel due financial problems and loose all of the content you have paid for.
    If you cancel your subscription you will still have all the guides you payed for before the subscription switch. The only content that requires a subscription to have continual access to is expansion content and products you don't already own.

    3. What about the old guides in this case? Do I change completly or get my lifetime updates back after canceling the subscription?
    Those guides you already have bought before the subscription model will continue to be updated per our "lifetime updates" policy.

    I think 10$ per month is way to much. Within one year I would have payed nearly more than I've payed for the guides I own.
    You only have to pay if you want expansion content or our new products. Either way you would end up paying upgrade fees for every single guide you owned and/or large lump sums for every individual guide, not to mention being charged seperately by faction. Our current model can be just as expensive. The difference now is you can get everything all at once without having to pay hundreds. Many players do not play WoW 365 days a year and with the new model they can cancel at anytime and never pay extra when they aren't playing the game.

    Now it becomes expensive and we depend on you. What do we get every month worth 10-15$?
    To recap a subscription will include the following:
    * The new pricing model will allow us at Zygor Guides to pump out a much faster and impressive stream of updates, new features for the guides, and new guide content on a monthly basis as opposed to the years it takes now.
    * You will gain access to our entire suite of 10 guides for both Alliance and Horde.
    * You will get all expansion content and never have to pay upgrade fees per guide.
    * You will get every new product we ever create including possible guides for new games.

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  • dirtyrockers
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    The break is that you can now get every guide we offer for a fraction of the price we used to charge you for. If you sign up for the subscription you will instantly get every product you are missing, plus all 6 of our new guides (Professions, Achievements, Titles, Reputation, Vanity Pets & Mounts, and Macros), plus all expansion content and every new product we ever make including possible guides for new games.
    but i allready bought all the guides you have.

    so i will pay more money for 6 new guides then a new member. (i allready payed for the other guides)

    i will get less for more money.

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  • alz2011

    I am sorry Zygor Support 2 but you are clearly delusional if you think this subscription service is going to work.

    You have managed to alienate your customer base who paid up front. Priced your “Guide” subscription as near as dam it to the cost of a Warcraft subscription.

    Delusional a false belief or opinion: laboured under the delusion that success was at hand.

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  • patje
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    The break is that you can now get every guide we offer for a fraction of the price we used to charge you for. If you sign up for the subscription you will instantly get every product you are missing, plus all 6 of our new guides (Professions, Achievements, Titles, Reputation, Vanity Pets & Mounts, and Macros), plus all expansion content and every new product we ever make including possible guides for new games.
    "Fraction of a price" for "old guides". If I would be interested in the Horde guides, it would have been 75$. With the subscription I would get the missing guides in 5 months (added to the alliance guides I really need). The new guides would be nealy the same, even if I wouldn't take the premium subscription and just alliance it would be maybe 6-8 months to pay it using the "old system"-price. And then I've to pay on, if I want bugs and small changes corrected.

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  • mythos44
    So,Existing customers who bought every guide get screwed and have to pay full price when someone who never bought your guides gets all and the existing customers have to pay the same? That' one way to screw over your customer base.

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  • chris1763
    Sorry but if the $14.99 per month price is the correct price anyone who pays that is a complete idiot and deserves to be ripped off paying for a guide for a game I pay less for on a yearly basis. I love your guides but you are out of your mind if you charge more than $5 a month!

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  • mblaze360
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    The plan will work like any other subscription service you have seen. You will be able to freeze your account and only pay when you actually use the guide, as opposed to what happens for many customers, which is to quit WoW after a few months even though you payed hundreds for guides.
    Please Clarify;
    If I freeze the subscription I can not use the guides at all while the subsciption is frozen?

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