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    Raid DPS Test Dummies
    We're aware of the issue with pets getting debuffed by the dummies and have a fix coming for that.

    LFR Feedback
    never understood what's so bad about wanting to be a special snowflake, btw. If some people get sense of joy from that, why not let them.
    There's nothing bad about it. The issue comes when demands are made to artificially create an environment that lets someone be identified as a "snowflake". If someone wants to be a snowflake, you'll have to go the extra mile, prove your worth, do what others don't... but not sit in a corner asking to please prevent others from getting what you did long ago.

    The issue with these kind of discussions is that at some point, they end up being driven by hyperbole and harassment.

    If all your arguments (in either direction) revolve around discrediting others through personal attacks rather than their arguments, then it's probably time to lock the thread.

    However, my main concern with both LFR and LFD is the removal of the player from the world environment. Whilst I do believe LFD is a great tool for servers with a low population (I used to be on Dragonmaw which has a very low population and finding a group for just a 5 man could have taken hours), finding groups for dungeons and raids and then travelling to the instance felt like an important part of the game and kept the virtual idea of a world. The removal of this feature, and the lack of motivation and incentive to form groups with people on your own server has damaged realm society in my opinion.
    Mists of Pandaria comes with plenty of level 90 content. All the daily quests available throughout Pandaria (remember, there's no daily cap in Mists), Pet battles, Challenge Dungeons (which can't be accessed through the Dungeon Finder and require groups to be manually formed), and the two new world bosses in Valley of the Four Winds and Kun-Lai Summit will hopefully provide plenty of reason to go outside the faction cities.

    We'll wait and see I guess, since whatever concern we try to explain gets countered with the sheer overwhelming blinding light at the end of the tunnel called MoP. Overly sarcastic? Yes, perhaps, simply because currently you're bringing arguments to the table we cannot refute due to the content not being out.
    I know the only thing you can do on this regard is "wait and see". I'm not saying "MoP will fix it and there'll be rainbows and unicorns", but I do believe that if you take into account all the features and new raiding content coming up at level 90, things will look very different to most players compared to these days.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 16010
      A new beta build will be deployed on beta realms soon. We will be updating these notes frequently, so keep checking back! This build is a Release Candidate (marked as "Release").

      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Achievement Changes

        Feats of Strength
        Spell Changes

        Death Knight (Forums)
        • Icy Talons now grants 25% melee attack speed, down from 35%.

        Druid (Forums)
        • Dream of Cenarius: Nourish, Healing Touch, and Regrowth increase the damage done by your next 2 Moonfire or Sunfire casts by 65% (was 50%) or by your next 2 melee abilities by 25% (was 50%).

        Hunter (Forums)
        • Item - Hunter T14 2P Bonus - Your Kill Command deals 15% (was 20%) additional damage, your Chimera Shot deals 15% additional damage, and your Explosive Shot deals 5% additional damage.

        Beast Mastery
        • Frenzy proc now grants 4% increased attack speed, down from 8%.

        • Aimed Shot now does 260% ranged weapon damage, down from 280%. Additional damage reduced by 13%.
        • Chimera Shot now does 200% ranged weapon Nature damage, down from 210%. Additional damage reduced by 14%.
        • Master Marksman now has a 50% proc rate, down from 60%.
        • Mastery: Wild Quiver now does 80% weapon damage, down from 85%.

        Mage (Forums)
        • Ice Lance damage and SP scaling reduced by 5%.

        Monk (Forums)

        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Shaman (Forums)
          • Stormblast now does 375% weapon damage, up from 300%.

          • Lava Lash now does 250% weapon damage, up from 200%.
          • Stormstrike now does 375% weapon damage, up from 300%.

          Warlock (Forums)
          • Haunt damage and SP scaling reduced by 22%. Now increases all damage done by your spells on the target by 25% for 8 sec, up from 20%.

          • Soul Fire damage and SP scaling reduced by 17%.

          Warrior (Forums)
          • Mortal Strike now does 175% weapon damage, down from 195%. Additional damage reduced by 24%.
          • Overpower now does 115% weapon damage, down from 130%.
          • Slam now does 215% weapon damage, down from 225%. Additional damage reduced by 10%.

          • Bloodthirst now does 100% weapon damage, down from 120%. Additional damage reduced by 38%.
          • Raging Blow now does 235% weapon damage, up from 220%.
          • Single-Minded Fury now grants your off-hand weapon an additional 35% damage, up from 30%.
          • Wild Strike now does 220% weapon damage, down from 245%. Additional damage reduced by 19%.
          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
          Twitter @Chaos5061.
          Translations are done with Google Translate.


            Prepare for Pandaria with epic savings! This week only, you can get the World of Warcraft Battle Chest for $5, Wrath of the Lich King for $5, and Cataclysm for $10 when you buy directly from Blizzard. That’s 75% off the regular prices, making this a great time to set yourself up for the imminent launch of Mists of Pandaria… or to invite a friend to join you in Azeroth.

            Hurry, this offer ends August 27, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.
            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


              Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 16016
              A new beta build will be deployed on beta realms soon.

              Spell Changes

              Death Knight (Forums)
              • Frost Strike now does 105% weapon damage, down from 110%.
              • Icy Talons now grants 20% melee attack speed, down from 25%.
              • Obliterate now does 230% weapon damage, down from 240%.

              Hunter (Forums)
              • Aimed Shot now does 280% ranged weapon damage, up from 260%. Additional damage increased by 15%.
              • Chimera Shot now does 210% ranged weapon Nature damage, up from 200%. Additional damage increased by 17%.

              Mage (Forums)
              • Ice Lance damage and SP scaling increased by 5%.

              • Combustion now does 1,040 Fire damage, down from 4,163 + 300.0% of SP.
              • Pyroblast damage and SP scaling increased by 33%.

              Rogue (Forums)
              • Sinister Strike damage reduced by 6%. Additional damage was reduced to 145% of your normal weapon damage, down from 155%.

              • Dispatch now does 400% weapon damage, down from 450%. Additional damage was reduced by 11%.

              • Sanguinary Vein now causes you to deal 20% additional damage to targets afflicted by your Rupture, Garrote, or Crimson Tempest, down from 25%.

              Warrior (Forums)
              • Mortal Strike now does 185% weapon damage, up from 175%. Additional damage increased by 12%.
              • Overpower now does 120% weapon damage, up from 115%.

              • Raging Blow now does 215% weapon damage, down from 235%.
              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
              Twitter @Chaos5061.
              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                Patch 5.0.4 Download Size
                The update is going to be quite large and the background downloader should already be preparing you for the 29 of August. It will be approximately 6GB in size and will include all of the Mists of Pandaria content including Talents, Glyphs and stats.

                You will need to wait for the release of Mists of Pandaria to play Pandaren and you must upgrade your account to play a monk.

                The 21GB download is only if you are doing a completely fresh installation. If you are patching to 5.0.4 from the current patch then it is a great deal smaller, approximately 6GB.

                Reward Currencies: Conversions, 5.0.4, & You!
                Can you continue earning JP/HP if you pass the soft cap of 4000. Remember, HARD CAP was removed (and that will only be from August 28 - September 25) since Valor and Conquest will convert to their lesser forms and any excess will go over the cap?

                The second question is currency conversion. When 5.1 drops (which is probably MoP), will we keep some JP/HP and have excess converted to gold; will all of it be converted to gold; or will no conversion happen?
                Yes, starting August 28, you can earn as much as you want, since there’s no cap at all on the Justice and Honor currencies from that day, until September 25. With Mists of Pandaria, the caps will be applied, and players will be reduced to 4000 Honor and 4000 Justice – any excess points will be converted on September 25 to gold at the rates described before.

                Are they seriously going to remove conquest points from regular BGs? One of the best changes in cata, and they're already going to take it away?
                Nope! There are no plans to remove Conquest from the Random Daily Battleground. We agree that it was a great change!

                What will be the conversion rate? Is it 1:1? or is it 2:1?
                On September 25, excess Honor over the cap will be converted at a rate of 35 silver per point, and excess Justice over the cap will be converted at a rate of 47 silver per point.

                Conquest points will be converted to Honor Points with patch 5.0.4.
                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                Translations are done with Google Translate.


                  LFR Feedback
                  It would be useful if we could form a guild group and set our own loot rules, essentially the same process we use in norm/heroic.
                  Within LFR, boss loot is handled on a per-player basis using the new system, regardless whether you queued as a full group or used the matchmaking features. You should still be able to change the loot method you use to handle any drops from the non-boss creatures in the instance if you are a full premade, but the boss system is hardcoded.

                  150 Mount Achievement Update
                  I've discussed this a bit with Cory Stockton (Mumper). There won't be a new mount achievement with the launch of Mists of Pandaria, though we'll consider adding one in patch 5.1. We agree that it's probably time to set a new bar for mount collectors.

                  Account Wide Feedback for PvP Mounts
                  I don't mind being called out on this. I didn't abandon anything, but I did get caught up in other tasks and didn't get back to you all like I had intended. I apologize for that. It wasn't my intention at all. (Yes, I'm a community manager, not a developer (and a she just for clarity's sake).)

                  I've been working behind the scenes a lot lately with the team to get more information out to everyone on a variety of things as well as getting ready for the Mists of Pandaria launch, but I don't intend that to be an excuse.

                  A few things just to be clear on the PvP mounts and what I know.

                  There was a period of time in the beta in which some PvP mounts were erroneously showing that they couldn't be given/used on other characters. This was a bug that should have been corrected. That bug did not apply to the Gladiator Mount or the Rated Battleground Mount.

                  The decision on the Gladiator Mount or Rated Battleground Mounts hasn't changed. The developers still want these to be character specific as they apply to that particular class and season.

                  While I didn't respond again, I definitely did carry the feedback to the team. Other PvP mounts you get outside of those should be account-wide as it was originally intended to work that way within the beta.

                  That all said, I have no doubt that the developers will continue to assess whether or not this is something they want to change in the future, but this is how it's working for now.

                  I do appreciate everyone that took their time to share their feedback whether it was in those threads, twitter, or even via email (yes I got some.)

                  Just of note, if there are particular mounts (beyond the Gladiator and Rated Battleground mount) that you're concerned about, feel free to post and let us know. We can always look into them to make sure everything is working "as intended".

                  I know it wasn't the answer you were hoping for, but it's what I have for you at this time. We always reserve the right to change our minds though, so while the answer today is "no" on those mounts, you never know what could happen in the future.

                  Believe it or not, we have a lot of people here who love PvP as well (I'm one of them), so while we may not always agree on what that means, please do know we do in fact care about it.
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    It’s now easier than ever to stay in touch with your guildmates and access the World of Warcraft® auction house... wherever you go.
                    Starting today, all of the features that were previously part of the optional World of Warcraft Remote subscription service are now available for free to all World of Warcraft subscribers. These features include:
                    • Remote Guild Chat – Stay in touch with your guildmates on the go using your mobile phone.
                    • Remote Auction House – Bid on items, create auctions, and collect gold via your mobile device or through the official World of Warcraft website.
                    We hope this change will make it easier for players to stay connected to each other and to the game, and we encourage everyone to try out these powerful tools for themselves.
                    As a reminder, to take full advantage of these features, you’ll need the World of Warcraft Mobile Armory app, available for free for your Android™ device, iPhone®, or iPod® touch. The app also includes a number of other handy tools:
                    Full Character Profiles
                    • 3D Viewer
                    • Activity Feed
                    • Achievements
                    • Character Stats
                    Remote Auction House
                    • Browse Auctions
                    • Create Auctions
                    • Bid on Items
                    • Claim Your Gold
                    Remote Guild Chat
                    • Guild & Officers Channels
                    • Saved Whisper Conversations
                    • Guildmate Presence
                    • Chat Push Notifications
                    Other Features
                    • Guild Profiles
                    • Realm Status
                    • Talent Calculator
                    • Item Browser
                    Download the app free here:
                    Google Play
                    App Store℠ for iPhone® and iPod touch®

                    To access the web-based Auction House, simply visit www.worldofwarcraft.com, log in with your Battle.net® account, view your character profile, and click the Auctions link on the left-hand menu of the profile page.
                    If you’re a current World of Warcraft Remote subscriber, you’ll receive an email from Blizzard soon with more information about the end of your subscription. In the meantime, you do not need to take any action.
                    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                    Twitter @Chaos5061.
                    Translations are done with Google Translate.


                      Gamescom Interviews
                      A few of the European fansites were lucky enough to have some interview time with the developers, so we have a quick summary of the interviews below. If you want to read the full thing, check out Vanion, Buffed, NinjaPull, and Gamestar.

                      • It is very unlikely that you will see Pet Battles on your phone.
                      • The Valor Upgrade system will not be released with Mists of Pandaria and may not be added in the following patches. There are too many items that you would have to upgrade and the system would end up too complicated.
                      • In the past they have created too many zones, as most players are rushing to the level cap. Mists of Pandaria has done it again to some extent, but you should be able to do a good part of each zone while leveling.
                      • There are a few things that beta testers have not seen, such as the Heroic version of some of the hardest bosses and the final Theramore scenario. (Partial run of Theramore Scenario, Horde Theramore Dialogue, Jaina Theramore Dialogue, Very Early Map Preview)
                      • Mists of Pandaria won't raise the free to play level cap from 20.
                      • Mists of Pandaria is starting with more end game content than any previous expansion.
                      • As the art in the game becomes higher resolution and more complex, it takes more time to create, limiting the rate of new content.

                      Dungeons and Raids
                      • The two world bosses will be available on release day.
                      • The one week delay before the first raid becomes available is to allow players to get prepared and not have to do things like taking time off of work to stay competitive.
                      • As soon as a guild has completed normal mode of Mogu'shan Vaults, they can begin heroic mode (after the next reset).
                      • After four weeks the Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring will become available, with better loot and a higher difficulty than Mogu'shan Vaults.
                      • Cataclysm dungeons were too hard because they were tuned for groups of friends and guild members, rather than random people from the Dungeon Finder. Random groups don't guarantee progression from mistakes.
                      • Mists of Pandaria will continue with reduced difficulty of Heroic Dungeons, but coordinated players will find more fun content in Challenge Modes. You can't outgear them, you can only win by getting better. Leaderboards are still planned to allow you to compete with armory.

                      Future Content
                      • Patch 5.1 will bring the Horde and Alliance army to Pandaria and the story will focus on Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream.
                      • There is a lot of story to be told in the patches leading up to the battle with Garrosh. Part of the story in this expansion is the war between the Alliance and Horde reigniting after they have banded together to save the world by defeating Deathwing and similar foes. Pandaria can change people, and we will see that with Garrosh.
                      • Patch releasing timing will hopefully be shorter during this expansion, especially towards the end of the expansion. This has to be balanced with the fact that there is only one team working on the next expansion and a final patch for this expansion.
                      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                      Twitter @Chaos5061.
                      Translations are done with Google Translate.


                        Beta Experience Required to Level Changed
                        Once again, the experience required to level in beta has been tweaked. This time around the XP needed to level from 85 to 90 was reduced from the original increase. It is now 30% higher than it was originally during beta.

                        1-9 Old Same Same Same
                        10-39? Old (-20%) (-20%) (-20%)
                        40-82 Old Same Same Same
                        82-83 4,004,000 2,669,000 (-33%) 2,669,000 (-33%) 2,669,000 (-33%)
                        83-84 5,203,400 3,469,000 (-33%) 3,469,000 (-33%) 3,469,000 (-33%)
                        84-85 9,165,100 4,583,000 (-50%) 4,583,000 (-50%) 4,583,000 (-50%)
                        85-86 10 million 15.5 million (+55%) 13 million (+30%) 13 million (+30%)
                        86-87 11.6 million 18 million (+55%) 18 million (+55%) 15.1 million (+30%)
                        87-88 14.6 million 22.6 million (+55%) 22.6 million (+55%) 19 million (+30%)
                        88-89 17.6 million 27.3 million (+55%) 27.3 million (+55%) 22.8 million (+30%)
                        89-90 21.2 million 32.8 million (+55%) 32.8 million (+55%) 27.6 million (+30%)
                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          Hello my fellow non-murloc creatures of Azeroth,

                          Please allow me to chip in with a few updated bits of information about LFR, I hope that you view this as an improvement and a step in the right direction over the current version of LFR. We do hear you and your feedback is seriously taken into consideration each time we decide to apply any change to the game.

                          We know that competitive players seem to dislike the idea of having to go through LFR to get some upgrades and that some will always go there as long as there is any chance at all of getting the slightest competitive advantage from it.

                          Of course we would prefer that LFR wasn’t part of the progression path for guilds that are raiding normal/heroic content, and so we have made some additional adjustments for the next iteration of LFR, for example:

                          Currently we have two separate item levels in LFR, items from the last 2 encounters have a level of 390, while the rest have 384, this made the LFR gear from Deathwing a bit too attractive for just about everyone, including hardcore raiders, so we’ve decided that this needed to be changed for MoP.
                          Our initial intention was that this difference would work as a special reward for beating such difficult encounters but that didn’t really translate in LFR since those encounters don’t have a difficulty that is relevant enough for this reward to be warranted.
                          Basically our intention for MoP is that if we decide to give a slight bump and increase the loot table ilvl of end bosses, that same bump won’t be applied to LFR but only to normal/heroic modes.
                          While the LFR gear from a new tier will continue to be slightly better than the normal difficulty items from the previous tier, we’ll structure the power level of future tiers’ LFR loot so that it doesn’t replace Heroic gear from the previous raid, and we’re continuing to discuss other solutions internally to limit the pressure for competitive raiders to run LFR.
                          We’ve also made a slight change on how Terrace of Endless Spring and Heart of Fear are going to roll out. These two raids will still be split into three separate queues for LFR, but we no longer plan to release them all on the same day, instead, we’ll unlock one queue each week. We hope that by the time all of the bosses are available in LFR, organized raiders will have had two full weeks to work on normal difficulty and one week for Heroic difficulty.

                          While I don’t expect this to completely stop raiding guilds from feeling some need to go into LFR, I hope that it will provide less incentive, they shouldn’t feel obligated to continue running LFR for a long time on top of their normal/heroic progression, I’d say if LFR remains somewhat interesting for 2-3 weeks to some players that want one or two specific items from there, that’s not such a big issue.
                          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                          Twitter @Chaos5061.
                          Translations are done with Google Translate.


                            Beta Class Balance Analysis

                            As you can imagine, we’ve been extremely busy lately and so we’ve gotten behind on answering your theorycrafting questions posted in the original Beta Class Balance Analysis thread. Rest assured, we’re still reading and appreciating the feedback. Keep it coming! As you may be able to tell from the changes in the recent builds, we’re generally tweaking damage, healing, and other attributes up and down to get balance just right. This is an iterative process so you may see alternating buffs and nerfs to your class between builds.

                            We’re getting progressively closer to balance with each build. Despite some of the proclamations we’ve read lately, no class is intended to be on the bottom of the meters. The difference between the highest and the lowest DPS in the latest build is not 30%, 20%, or even 10%. Though certain fights may favor specific specs, we’re actually seeing most specs within 5% of each other. There are a few exceptions, however, which we intend to bring in line soon: Subtlety, Frost DKs, and Frost mages. Most are actually within 2% but the few in the 2-5% range (Arms, Fury, Marksmanship, Survival) will also be brought in line soon as well. Of course, we’ll be vigilant with keeping an eye on balance and making necessary tuning tweaks as time permits.

                            We understand that some of the theorycrafting community may disagree with the numbers. This tends to be because they’re doing things that we don’t expect, or because the theorycrafting is inaccurate. There’s certainly going to be some confusion, but one of the goals of this thread is to provide accurate clarification. If you’re seeing substantial differences between specs, please try to identify where the discrepancies are. If a spec seems overpowered or underpowered according to the theorycraft, double-check it for accuracy by comparing it to actual results. If that checks out, maybe there’s something that you’re doing that we don’t expect; please present that info in a concise way, with as much supporting evidence (both theorycraft and especially actual log parses) as possible. We can’t debug everyone’s theorycraft, but we can try to identify large discrepancies.

                            Now, to catch up on questions…

                            Regarding racial expertise and weapons, I would like to know what would happen in the following scenario: 7.50% on-gear hit rating, 6.50% on-gear expertise, Main hand Axe, Off hand Sword, racial expertise (either sword or axe). Would you be spell hit capped or not?
                            OK, update on spell hit from expertise from weapon racials: It should count expertise on your main hand as spell hit. In the situation you described, an orc (axe racial, which is in the MH) would be spell hit capped, and a human (sword racial, which is in the OH) would not. The character sheet UI should properly reflect this, however, there’s currently a bug on beta where it’s not actually giving you this benefit. That will be fixed soon.

                            What is the design intent behind the engineer MoP "bomb" G91 Landshark? Currently on the beta it can be used by anyone, engineer or not, and has a 1 min cooldown but can only be used once per fight. Are these intended to be sellable to all players?
                            Yes, there are several engineer-created items in Mists which are usable by non-engineers and sellable. These are indeed intended to be usable as consumables in raids. However, the Landsharks you mentioned share a cooldown with combat potions so these are an alternative.

                            Death Knight (Forums / Skills)
                            For the past several builds Death Knights have been seeing data mined info for Death Coil showing a 1.2x multiplier for the Unholy spec. We initially thought this was to account for the loss of the Morbidity talent, however we haven't see this actually make it onto the servers. Is this multiplier intended to be there and if so will we be seeing it in a future build?
                            We’re not sure what 1.2x multiplier you’re seeing; can you point it out? We believe it’s doing the correct amount of damage so perhaps there’s a tooltip bug.

                            Druid (Forums / Skills)
                            There have been reports of absolutely ridiculous amounts of DPS being done with HotW. As a Guardian, Wrath is hitting for ~140k with a SP weapon when active. Similar values are being reported for Healing Touch. I know I've been saying that HotW needed a buff, but even I think that's a little on the overboard side of things.
                            The intention was that HotW allows you to DPS as strong as an equally-geared druid of each other spec on average. In other words, if a Guardian druid can Wrath for 140k with a 2sec cast, that’s 70k DPS before haste and crit. However, we’re not sure what gear exactly that was in, or with what cooldowns involved (it does seem on the high side). If you do any testing of how much DPS each spec can do while HotW’d into each other spec, we’d be very interested in seeing it. It’s quite possible that we over-buffed some of the combinations.

                            Hunter (Forums / Skills)
                            Cobra Strike Behaviour(possible bug) - As stated on the tooltip, it's supposed to make the next 2 pet's basic hits, a critical hit. However I've done much testing on this subject and it appears that it does not behave in the way that it should be.
                            Also sounds like a bug. We’ll look into that, too.

                            Let me restate the point that Lissanna (and GC) were making. Your question, as posed, is based on the 37K difference you see in the sims. The sims are not data. They are tools to help point at where we should look for data. If the number 37K makes you itch, then look for or generate real data (i.e., logs) from the game that support your concern. A large spread in the sim might mean there's a large spread in the game. But it's more likely that the high and low classes have small sim bugs that push them up or down. It's also more likely that the sim action profiles of the low classes could be improved. Your question may be a good question, but again, as posed, it's unsupported.

                            For hunters, for example, MM has been consistently low in the sims. Based on that, I would try to confirm that in game, not whine at Blizzard that MM sucks. It led Zeherah and I to find a bug in how the T14 4-piece bonus was implemented (in sims) that disproportionately affected MM. Whitefyst identified priority bogosities (e.g., glaive toss may be a dps loss during careful aim). It pointed to a missing ICD for lock and load (because SV was simmed as too many LnL procs). On the flip side, the sims have also led to improvements in the game: e.g., they point to places where MM could potentially haste cap (and Blizzard fixed it), noted that it now could now crit cap (which may be deliberate), where focus fire would not be worth using (Blizzard tweaked it), etc.

                            So again, if you don't like the number from a sim, dig in and understand it better. Then find a real issue with real data.
                            This is an awesome post!
                            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                            Twitter @Chaos5061.
                            Translations are done with Google Translate.


                              Monk (Forums / Skills)
                              GC, since you have access to the internal gear stat budgets, can you tell me whether it should it be viable for Monks to use Strength [Parry + Dodge/Mastery] gear (Cloaks, Necks, Rings) and should Brewmasters be getting Parry from Strength like Plate Tanks do?
                              No, only the plate tanks get significant parry from Strength. Brewmasters should be wearing Agility jewelry.

                              We removed Tiger Strikes from Brewmasters and adjusted the proc rates of Elusive Brew and Gift of the Ox to account for the reduced number of normal attacks that they'll be doing. Please explain this change
                              Sure. Tiger Strikes was removed, but we didn’t want to nerf the proc rate of Elusive Brew or Gift of the Ox. So, we increased the proc rate of Elusive Brew and Gift of the Ox by 50%. Elusive Brew now adds up to 3 charges per crit: [1.5*WeaponSpeed/2.6] for 1H weapons, and [3.0*WeaponSpeed/3.6] for 2H weapons. Gift of the Ox now has a higher proc rate on white attacks: [0.03*WeaponSpeed] for 1H weapons, and [0.06*WeaponSpeed] for 2H weapons.

                              The T30 talents no longer proc Eminence, is this intended?
                              Yes. Monks are a new class and Mistweavers in particular use a very new style of healing, so this definitely has the potential to change, but our general philosophy is that abilities which do both damage and healing don’t need to cause Eminence. The only exception that we can recall offhand is Chi Torpedo and we may also change that to not cause Eminence to be consistent.

                              Also channeling CJL allows me to cast Enveloping Mist instantly, though Surging Mist does not do the same, so it feels like a bug that EM does become instant.
                              Yep, bug. We believe that was fixed in the most recent build.

                              Lastly, earlier in beta, we could cast Soothing Mist on one target, then EM on another. Recently, this is longer possible, though the CJL bug allows me to do it once again. Was it a bug being able to cast EM on anyone that wasn't Soothing Mist's target?
                              This is intended. Being able to cast Enveloping Mist and Surging Mist instantly while channeling Soothing Mist is intended to be used to pump more healing into the target you’re channeling. You’re not intended to just keep channeling Soothing Mist on anyone and be able to cast instant Enveloping/Surging on different people.

                              Paladin (Forums / Skills)
                              Execution Sentence is consuming Glyph of Flash of Light, but is seeing no increase in the healing done. Is it supposed to consume the effect and receive the increase or is it not supposed to interact with the glyph at all?
                              Sounds like a bug. We’ll look into that.

                              The melee attack speed buff does not change the cooldown tooltips on abilities affected by Sanctity of Battle, for Retribution at least - and it doesn't seem like it's just tooltips not updating, but that they're not being affected at all. Is this intentional? Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing as long as we're balanced around Sanctity of Battle not benefiting from it.
                              This is intended. The raid buff you’re referring to increases melee and ranged attack speed, not haste. Sanctity of Battle only uses actual haste.

                              Shaman (Forums / Skills)
                              It appears that there's a hidden ICD on stormlash that prevents synchronized mh+oh swings from both triggering the effect.
                              Yes, there is a very short ICD on Stormlash. We’ll look into whether we need to have that or not.

                              Hey, just workin on some spreadsheets and was wondering if anyone had the formulas for the following:

                              1. Healing Tide Totem
                              2. Healing Stream Totem
                              3. Earth Shield

                              I'm using the formulas given on wowhead/wowdb, but it would be nice to have the actual formulas (the numbers tend to be consistently off). Also, for Healing Tide, what's the min/max for it's heal (the tooltip only gives one number, but it's not acting like HST where you're getting the same heal 7 times in a row). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
                              Looks like the data minable formula for Healing Tide is accurate, but the tooltip is mistakenly only showing the minimum healing amount. It actually heals for that amount plus up to 798 at level 90. That’s before multipliers (like Purification and Mastery), by the way.

                              Healing Stream’s tooltip does indeed seem to be wrong. We’ll try to get that fixed. The actual healing amount (again, before multipliers), is 44.5% of SP.

                              Earth Shield’s tooltip also seems to be wrong. It’s actually 18.5% of SP, plus 2043 at level 90 (and again, before multipliers).

                              1. Riptide is consuming both the unleashed life and fury buffs, yet only the direct portion is benefiting from the unleashed fury buff. Both the direct and hot portions are benefiting from unleashed life, but the hot is not being affected by unleashed fury.
                              And sounds like a bug. We’ll check it out.

                              2. Healing Rain is not consuming unleashed fury (it's working with unleashed life fine).
                              Not a bug! Unleashed Fury is a buff on the target and Healing Rain is a persistent AoE. We didn’t think you’d want it to just increase the crit chance of a single Healing Rain tick and then end up getting consumed by it.
                              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                              Twitter @Chaos5061.
                              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                                Warlock (Forums / Skills)
                                Wrathguard vs Felguard Head to Head Comparison [and other warlock testing]
                                Thanks for that. We recently did another pass on warlock pet damage and found (and fixed) a few more issues. The most recent build that went up should have resolved the issues. Please test it again and let us know what you find.

                                I am a bit confused with Glyph: Dark Soul (Destruction).
                                Without the glyph, Dark Soul grants 30% crit while active. With the glyph it grants 27% while active and 3% while off cooldown. Does that answer your question?

                                People from EJ ran test on Demo (special thanks to whi for his time) to find your hidden nerfs (you did say they were coming, but not updating tooltips is mean).
                                It’s not done out of meanness. We’re just applying many of our balance/tuning tweaks as hotfixes directly to beta, and that means the tooltips will be out of date until you get a new client build. That said, there are a few known bugs with warlock spells having the tooltip damage wrong, regardless of hotfixes involved. If you encounter any spells that give you grief when figuring out your formulas, let us know and we’ll try to help out. In general, we usually change both the base damage and SP scaling of a spell at the same time (though not necessarily by the same amounts). If you see only one of those change at a time, it’s a good hint that you may want to retest and make sure you’ve got the formula right.

                                Warrior (Forums / Skills)
                                I've got a question about Berserker Stance. A recent post linked to a video of a Fire mage demonstrating burst. The target was a warrior, and over the course of a few seconds of high damage, its rage level jumped to full.

                                Unless I've missed a data dump, there's been a big knowledge gap about how the stance generates rage per damage (I, and I think a lot of other players didn't realize it was so dynamic). Any information you can give?
                                Sure. While in Berserker Stance, you gain 1 rage for every 1% of your health lost to damage.
                                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                                Translations are done with Google Translate.

