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Golden Lotus

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    Originally posted by elgustav View Post
    I notice that the locations Zygor is saying to go (as shown on the map) are actually in a different subzone to where the real quest waypoints are. The correct quest locations are in ""Vale of Eternal Blossoms" while the Zygor waypoints (in the Shrine of the Seven Stars) are within The Veiled Stair zone. Is it possible it has the correct coordinates but is looking within the wrong subzone? Just a thought... I have no idea how it does it's waypointing.
    This looks like the reason for the bug. The guide has the right coordinates for the NPC's, but it's thinking they are in the Shrine with those coordinates - when they are actually at those same coordinates but outside in the actual big Vale of Eternal Blossoms zone. The zone seems to be the mixup in the guide. Probably an easy fix when they realize it at Zygor.


      Blizzard changed the location of a bunch of NPC's from the Beta to live. I can confirm that the NPC locations for Golden Lotus are completely wrong. They arn't pointing to the Horde locations they are completely just in the wrong area.


        Originally posted by chriswamer View Post
        This looks like the reason for the bug. The guide has the right coordinates for the NPC's, but it's thinking they are in the Shrine with those coordinates - when they are actually at those same coordinates but outside in the actual big Vale of Eternal Blossoms zone. The zone seems to be the mixup in the guide. Probably an easy fix when they realize it at Zygor.
        I can confirm this. The guide is showing the correct NPC names and the correct co-ordinates, but the waypoints are all appearing within the Shrine of the Seven Stars. If you have co-ordinates enabled you can still use the information from the guide to get to the correct place, you just have to do without the waypointer.


          Thanks for the confirmation that it's pointing to the wrong sub-zone. This is on our list to get fixed.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


            in document ZygorIncludesAlliance.lua (guides folder) in line 20353 replace "goto 56.7,42.7" in to "goto Vale of Eternal Blossoms 56.7,42.7". That should fix it (did for me at least)


              That was fixed in our latest update Barduck.
              My Flight Path Follies guide

              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                ah nice then. I just did it earlier The thing is, I noticed then that while the numbers for the waypoints were correct, the arrow didn'nt point in the right direction so I just wrote down where it went wrong and search thru the lua's for that line. After that it was just a matter of scrolling up a bit to see how it was written and where it went wrong.

