When Zygor’s Shadowlands Guides launched back in November we had a substantial amount of content available on Day One, especially for leveling, dungeons, and dailies. Since that time, we’ve made many refinements to these guides and have added even more content, expanding to cover gold and professions, pets and mounts, and achievements.
Below you will find an overview of all the content that was added on launch, post-launch, and what’s to come. You can find all this content easily from the new Featured section of the guide menu.
Launch Content
Here is all the content that we had available on Day One of release.
Exiles Reach (1-10)
Shadowlands Intro & Main Story Questline
Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, Revendreth (and Threads of Fate variations)
The Maw
Kyrian, Nightfae, Necrolord, Venthyr Covenant Questlines
The Necrotic Wake, Plaguefall, Mists of Tirna Scithe, Halls of Atonement, Theater of Pain, De Other Side, Spires of Ascension, Sanguine Depths, Torghast Questline
Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus, Revendreth World Quests
Kyrian, Night Fae, Necrolord, Venthyr, Ve’Nari Daily Quests
Shadowlands Profession Guides for all professions
Post-Launch Content
Post-Launch Content
Here is all the content that we’ve added in the weeks following release.
Bastion, Maldraxxus, Aredenweald, Revendreth (Story Only guides)
Anima Conductor, Transport Network, Command Table guides for all Covenants
Castle Nathria Raid
Numerous additional zone world quests
Anima Conductor Daily Quests for all Covenants
Fungal Terminus Daily Quests
Added Shadowlands Farming and Gold Guides
Rewrote Profession and Gold guides due to extensive changes that occured between beta and retail.
83 Battle Pets and 72 Mounts
24 Achievements
Work In Progress
Here are the things we’re currently still working on.
Flightpaths Guide
Treasures and Rare Spawns
More Pets and Mounts
More Achievements
any chance the treasures features will be active before next expansion is released. this is becoming laughable now. im thinking if it isnt active by the next time my monthly renewal comes due i am just gonna cancel after years of using your product.
Hmm, treasures and rare POIs have been available since the day the game launched. Can you explain more what you mean? Thanks.
im very excited for the new upcoming achievements add on SUper stoked nice job Zygor
The amount of effort you have had to put into producing the guide is astonishing, well done Zygor development team!!
Is there any sign yet of a return to flying?
I get a blank page when looking at the “featured” Achievements page for Shadowlands, I am pretty disappointed that besides the questline the guide is still pretty barebones for this xpac. Exploration, Sojourner (Side Questlines/Loremaster), Treasures, Rares, and Mounts need to be done and polished to be honest
I get the same. I am not sure what’s going on here and I have removed, reinstalled to no avail. Come on Z let’s get the quality vs the quantity in order please.
yeah i dont see it either
Good stuff thank you!!
Thank you for all you do.
You did an excellent job coping with the massive amount of additional content that SL brought. It makes my brain hurt just thinking about how to wrangle the ever more complicated faction/covenant/threads-of-fate quest branching & integration.
Keep up the great work. 🙂
You mention 24 achievements. What are they because they are not in the changelog.
@metalmight – Go to the Featured section of the guide menu and you will find them under the Shadowlands Achievements section.
Yeah that part is empty.
Are the exploration and treasure hunting guides done?
all guids now
I think you have done a grand job, having played beta I really appreciate how much easier levelling is with your guide. Thank you for all your hard work.