At long last, it is launch day for The Burning Crusade Classic and with it we have a new update (Version 2.0.24907) rolling out with some final additions to our guides.
Here is the updated list of all the Day One Content:
- Guide Viewer updated with Version 8.0 style and features.
- 1-20 Starter Guides for Blood Elf and Draenei, including Bloodmyst Isle and Ghostlands.
- Revised 1-58 Azeroth Leveling Guides.
- All new 58-70 Outland Leveling Guides.
- Outland Dungeon Boss Strategy and Quest Guides (Beta)
- Assorted Reputation Guides (Beta)
- Updated 1-375 Profession Guides
You can learn more about these new guides here: https://zygorguides.com/guides/classictbc/leveling
Coming Soon: Dailies guides, Karazhan attunement guides, access keys guides (Shadow Labyrinth Key, Shattered Halls Key, and Arcatraz Key), and updated gold guides.
Any update on the TBC gold guide? A general eta?
Thanks for working on this, is there any information regarding an ETA on the update? particularly TBC gold guides. tyvm!
You should rework the gear advisor. It’s broken. Telling me to get spell damage gear as holy paladin. And I see a lot of people have problem with Gear advisor on forum.
Please gold making guides for tbc asap!
Yes I want this too!!
Correction from previous comment, it is a brilliant addon and knowing more updates are coming is awesome. Also the support team are brilliant.
Yeah, also im finding none of the tbc materials are appearing on the gold section under farming or gathering.
more gathering guides/routes for tbc would be insane